Holding Hands Parent and Tot Program

Holding hands with mom or dad while having fun and learning about the gymnastics world is an excellent opportunity for children to develop early motor and social skills.
Our Holding Hands class is 45 minutes in length and is designed for children aged 18 months to 3 years old. Our little gymnasts are supervised during class by their mom, dad, grandparent or caregiver. Our aim is to make learning fun while teaching the concepts of movement. The program combines structured activities along with free play in a safe and caring environment. Your toddler will be guided by you (the parent/caregiver) with the support of a coach. The coach will have a brief warm up and circle time followed by exploring the gym and all it has to offer. Our coaches are there to supervise and teach you how to assist your toddler on a variety of apparatus around the gym.
45 minute classes: $90 per month